August Update

August Update

Welcome to August and our new August Update! At this time of year, though our daughters are adults now, my thoughts return to the excitement of Back to School time! Though I know this is looking different now for many parents, I remember well the fun of shopping with our children for school supplies and new backpacks. Back to School time definitely carried great anticipation and excitement for the school year ahead! 

This August at Catalyst Ministries, our focus is on EDUCATION and we’re looking at this in a two-fold way. First, we will be talking about why opportunities for Catalyst Farms residents to further their education or complete a GED are so essential and empowering. Secondly, we hope to Raise Awareness and EDUCATE more on the topic of human trafficking. Please be watching our social media and blog post this month for more information on these topics. You help to pierce the darkness with light by using your voice to share this update, any Catalyst Ministries blog, or social media posts with your friends.

Growing our Awareness: (EDUCATE)

1. What is the TIP Office? 

The TIP Office is the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons and is part of the US Department of State. The TIP Office leads the Department’s global efforts to combat modern day slavery through the prosecution of traffickers, the protection of victims and the prevention of human trafficking. We’re excited to welcome and share the new 2020 TIP report here.

2. Is human trafficking illegal in the United States? 

The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000 is a statute passed into law in 2000 by the US Congress and signed by President Clinton. The law was later reauthorized by Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump. This is the first comprehensive federal law to address trafficking in persons. The TVPA provides a three-pronged approach which includes prevention, protection and prosecution. You can read the full informational report here

3.  What are the three main ways that Catalyst Ministries works to fight human trafficking? 

a. We Raise Awareness

b. We Rescue survivors of human trafficking

c. We walk with survivors to experience Restoration

To learn more about anti-human trafficking, please check out our Catalyst’s human trafficking informational page.

Coming Soon- Updates for our Fall Fundraiser- Be A Catalyst Dinner! 

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With you in the fight!
