Bringing In God's Harvest of Blessings

I can tell what the season is simply by looking out my window. Right now, the view shows a large combine harvesting this year’s yield of beans. It is a stark reminder that matches the cooling temperatures. The leaves change colors, pumpkins appear everywhere, and farmers are busy in their fields. What a beautiful and bountiful time of year! It is harvest time. 

Galatians 6:2 tells us, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” A memory that sticks in my mind of harvest time is one of my friend’s farm growing up. Many times, I would be at her house for dinner. Her father and brother would always come in later than everyone else, often missing dinner time, during the harvest season. One time, we asked them what had caused a later delay than normal. The answer has always stuck with me. Her father said that one of their neighbors, someone who had invested in their farm the previous year, had lost his brother. Both my friend’s father and brother had been working in his field to help bring in the harvest in time. They bore burdens with each other and ensured a bigger harvest. 

In Scripture, there are many references to God’s overflowing abundant harvest, both physically and spiritually. In the story of Joseph, he goes through many trials and faces the unknown, but his faith in the Lord never wavered. In one of his dreams, Joseph is given a message from the Lord to prepare and reserve a harvest for an upcoming time of need. It is because of Joseph’s obedience that this harvest becomes the blessing that saves and reunites his family. As servants of the Lord, we continue to live in obedience to His calling and know that He will provide abundant blessings, as in the time of a harvest. 

Read our previous blog post here: October Update

Catalyst Ministries has received blessings in abundance, and we continue to credit all of it back to the Lord. Recently we had the blessing of many volunteers who gave time at our Be A Catalyst Dinner. The turnout was even better than we could have imagined and the heart involved in every facet of planning, facilitating, and executing this event  was such a gift. We greatly appreciate all the love and support shown by local businesses through their donations of goods to our auction. The final amount of $8,545 raised through our silent auction is credited to the amazing individuals who donated, attended and gave toward our mission. All of the proceeds from the dinner directly benefit the residents and ministry as we work to provide a safe haven for those who the Lord rescues and redeems from the sex trafficking industry. 

In this time of harvest, the Lord might be placing a call on your life to step into a role of blessing others.  Consider contributing to the harvest by stepping into an opportunity with Catalyst Ministries. Your time, heart, and gifts would be a blessing to the Lord, our residents, and other volunteers. We continue to offer many opportunities for all sorts of skills, such as office/administrative tasks, outside workdays, or working with residents. Additionally, as we approach the time of holidays, please consider giving toward the remaining needs for our residents. Please email to sign up or learn more about these options. We hope you will become part of our team that has been such a blessing to those we serve and in the Lord’s eyes!


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,

for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly;

defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9