May Update

Psalm 103:6 " The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed." 

When we ask God to share His heart with us, He is more than happy to do so! He wants His people to represent Him on this earth as "ambassadors" who care about the things He cares about. Again and again we see in Scripture that God cares for those who are oppressed, without hope, downtrodden, poor and needy. He wants us to care also and to take action! 
Recently as my husband and I travelled from Dallas to Phoenix on a road trip, we saw a poster at a rest area where we stopped. It asked in large letters: 
The following questions were listed underneath this question: 

  • Do you have control of your money?

  • Are you free to leave?

  • Do you have control of your identifying documents?

  • Are you being watched or followed?

  • Is someone forcing you to provide sex or labor?

(The above list shows just a few ways to identify whether or not a person may be a victim of human trafficking).
The definition of the word "oppressed" is subject to harsh or authoritarian treatment. When I think of the realities of human trafficking in our world, and listen first hand to survivors I've heard from regarding their experiences, this definition fits very well. They've received horrific treatment and have been under the authority of those who are very willing to harm them for their own financial gain. 

Read our previous blog post here: The Birth Story of Catalyst Ministries
We at Catalyst Ministries are eager to help, reach and rescue these women who have been so greatly oppressed. We know that our God, who sees them all the time, is urgently and faithfully seeking to rescue these women also. The amazing thing is that He wants to use us as His hands and feet in this work, to reach out and help lift up those who feel they're in a pit that they can never emerge from. How exciting to work together with the Lord and with YOU in this important mission! Please continue to pray for Catalyst and for the women we serve. We move forward by your prayers, giving and volunteering. 
As we celebrate Motherhood this month at Catalyst Ministries, we want to honor and thank all the mothers who give of their time, lives and hearts to raise their children well. Kudos to you! We know this job isn't easy, but is so very rewarding! Thank you for ALL you do! 
We're so thankful to be able to support single moms at Catalyst Farms. The healing, trauma therapy and mentoring they receive will not only strengthen them, but will greatly impact their mothering success. This helps break the cycle of poverty, abuse and future vulnerability to sex trafficking for their children. God is so good! 

Please consider joining us in this work by becoming a Monthly Impact Partner with a gift of $30 or more.
With joy on this journey with you!


*If you or someone you know, may be a victim of human trafficking, call 911 if in immediate danger. If you're not in immediate danger and are seeking help out of your situation, please call us at Catalyst Ministries at 309-200-8930.
