Cultivating Growth: What Staff and Volunteers Gain Through Giving

        “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.” — Proverbs 1:5

       When was the last time you experienced personal or spiritual growth? Was that growth purposeful or unanticipated? How has it changed your perspective? Growth is vital in my life, your life, and the lives of our residents and staff at Catalyst Ministries if we want to be catalysts of opportunity and positive change in our community. Steadfastness in our openness to growth has allowed for amazing things to occur within our organization.

       A blessing at Catalyst is that everyone who works for or volunteers for our organization has an opportunity to witness growth within others and themselves during the fight against human trafficking. To gain greater perspective on these different growing experiences, I wanted to hear firsthand how members of our organization have been impacted by their involvement in Catalyst. I asked Gabby, Social Media Lead, and Chris, Program Coordinator, to share their hearts and insights on growth with all of us.

Read our previous blog post here: The Making of Motherhood: A Resident's Legacy of Love

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       Initially, Gabby did not know much about sex trafficking before joining Catalyst Ministries. She shares,

“Honestly, the biggest thing was how easy and common it is and it’s terrifying. I think part of why I wanted to join the social team was because that is the BIGGEST way to bring awareness. People are so involved in social media and often we are ignorant to the things happening in the world and I wanted to make sure that I was part of a platform that was pushing those limits and boundaries and bringing this to light.”

       While the Internet has brought people closer to the dangers and victimization of trafficking, it has also enabled anti-trafficking initiatives and organizations like Catalyst Ministries to take the positive step of raising awareness and reaching many people on multiple online social platforms.

       Gabby’s role and time at Catalyst Ministries has helped her to improve and grow as a leader. Gabby shares,

“Being the social media lead has taught me so much more than I could’ve imagined. First was total trust in God and Him giving me the wisdom to lead a team, which I had never done before. But I’ve also learned that when He has put you in such a position, He will also provide.”

       Gabby affirms that her team has been incredibly giving of their time, and has created an opportunity for her to learn to be both open and vulnerable with the team members. As the team members offer different perspectives and constructive critiques, the team is able to consider a wide range of directions and actions for their social media work.

       Importantly, Gabby’s time at Catalyst Ministries has brought her both personal and spiritual growth. Her involvement in Catalyst has pushed her to put her faith in God and His provisions and promises carried out through her. She reflects,

“He has given me so much wisdom and discernment and ideas that have guided me on this journey and I’m so thankful for that. I have also learned that my time is not my time, that giving to a cause like this affects other people’s lives and helping them means so much more.”

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       Chris, who works closely with residents at Catalyst Farms, knows firsthand how important personal growth is not only in survivors’ lives, but also in her own. Being on staff with other faith-filled women has influenced her and helped to strengthen her ability to minister to survivors of sex trafficking. Chris notes how refreshing it is to be able to openly discuss faith and God with her colleagues:

“When struggling with personal or work-related issues we are able [to] share openly and also pray about it. It also allows me to bring God up to my residents and share with them about how God has worked in my life. Being able to talk about my faith openly and throughout the day strengthens my relationship with Christ.”

       In her role, Chris has met and worked alongside strong Christian women whom she views as great examples of people who are living out their faith. Personally, her time at Catalyst has held her accountable to remember to go to God, rather than to rely on herself.

“It has also helped me by working with such good role models whose dependency remains in Christ… I have met women who have shown me Christ’s love.”

       Chris’s time at Catalyst Farms has also provided her with a different perspective about survivors.

“Having worked with children in the foster care system, I am familiar with trauma and its effects on people. But working with adult survivors has helped me to understand the internal struggles children and adults go through [because they are] able to express themselves more clearly as they work through their trauma.”

       What Chris has seen God do in the residents at Catalyst Farms—things that she notes are miraculous—encourages her to work hard and draw even closer to Christ.

       Experiencing change in oneself is not only transformative for that individual, but also for those around them. Gabby, Chris, and other staff and volunteers at Catalyst Ministries are able to harness their growth and direct it towards helping the residents grow, too. When residents are surrounded by individuals who want to uplift them, learn from them, and grow with them, then it helps foster a sense of trust and equality between one another. If you would like to grow in yourself or in your faith, fill out our Volunteer Information Form at the bottom of our Volunteer Page so you can help foster change and growth within yourself, Catalyst Ministries, and its mission. Growth often comes to each of us in unexpected ways, and we at Catalyst Ministries count on those diverse experiences to further our fight against human trafficking.

— Deanna

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,

for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly;

defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9