The Seasons Change, But Our Savior Remains Steadfast

As I spent time in my garden yesterday, I observed that the once glorious blooms are tired now and starting to surrender to what is coming. In a month or two, my garden will look very different from how it does now. The seasons are changing. As creation around us starts to transform, it reminds me that there are many seasons of life. Life changes constantly. There is nothing in this earthly, temporal life that is certain.

I'm grateful that there is someone grander above this visible world who does not change. The writer of Hebrews says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today and forever." Christ remains the same. He is the certainty we long for. Hebrews also describes our hope in Christ as an anchor for our souls. Christ gives our souls a place to feel secure. Christ gives us a firm foundation. As believers, children of the living God, we are tethered to Him. When the seasons of life become chaotic, He will not lose sight of us. Our hope in Christ is secure. This new life we are after will be accomplished and will not disappoint us because of who Christ is and what He did.

At Catalyst Ministries, this is the hope we share with our residents and the community around us. The road to healing isn't an easy one. Choosing to heal means confronting so many painful seasons the women we serve went through. We pray that our residents meet Jesus as they are on this road to healing. He is different, He doesn't change, and the hope found in Him is secure and kept safe. He will never disappoint. Christ gives us a home with Him, a seat at His table, a place to belong in His family. We desire to reflect Christ to each woman who comes to our safe home called Catalyst Farms. We offer them a place to belong, a seat at our table, a room in our house, and hearts as we walk alongside in their healing.  

Read our previous blog post here: September Update

Last fall, I planted four plants. I fertilized and watered them all the same, but only two of them survived the winter. Gardening, like life, can be unpredictable. As humans, we have little control of the changing seasons around us. That is why we hope in Christ. In Him, we are secure, can hold fast and trust Him and the season He has us in. He brings life out of death, light into darkness, and peace out of suffering.

In the spirit of seasons changing, maybe your season of life is lighter with kids going off to school and college, maybe you are retiring from a lengthy career, or maybe you are simply experiencing a period of lessened responsibility. As we settle into new routines and rhythms, consider serving with us at Catalyst Ministries. We have various volunteer opportunities, from office or yard work to communications and resident care. Please email to sign up or learn more. We hope you join our Catalyst family as we serve to provide hope for the women God brings to us.


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,

for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly;

defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9