Fundraising In Faith: Getting To Know The Fundraising Team

“Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness."

– James Thurber

Spring is a graceful and persistent season of growth. Even as its ebbs and flows, it moves forward by flourishing and renewing life of a surrounding ecosystem. At Catalyst Ministries we have been blessed to witness a volunteer team that has embodied that same growth within itself. The Fundraising Team is a volunteer team that has demonstrated hard work to develop themselves and their efforts on behalf of Catalyst Ministries and human trafficking relief. Before I highlight the group’s insights and goals, I want to share some background on what the Catalyst Ministries’ Fundraising Team is all about.

The Fundraising Team arranges meetings and creates action plans for their outreach for Catalyst Ministries. Each member takes on a different role, such as promotions, catering, and sponsors. These women then go out into the community to invite businesses to take part in the events that Catalyst hosts. The goal, according to Communications Team Director, Abby, is that “even while planning, we are creating awareness and educating the community.”

Within the context of fighting against human trafficking, the Fundraising Team has a simple goal: to educate others on the basics of sex trafficking and how Catalyst Ministries is a solution that the community can engage in to increase the impact of Catalyst’s purpose. Catalyst’s essential aim is to raise awareness about human trafficking, and rescue and restore the lives of those who are survivors of exploitation and abuse.

Read our previous blog post here: A New Day Dawns

I asked the team a few questions about their experiences and goals as members of the team. These ladies keep busy working on projects, such as the Be A Catalyst Dinner, which help Catalyst Ministries connect with its volunteers and the community as well as improve outreach for the non-profit to continue the good fight against trafficking.

From team member Kristi’s point of view, the team’s overall goal “is to raise awareness of the issues and concerns surrounding human trafficking.”

“Another goal,” she says, “is to raise funds to help support the individuals recovering through programming at Catalyst Farms.”

This goal in particular is so important to Catalyst Ministries. A vital component of Catalyst’s service is the operation of a long-term restorative home called Catalyst Farms. The home is an environment for healing and recovery, with a plethora of services provided to support women who are survivors of sexual exploitation and extreme abuse. Catalyst Farms and its services rely on the giving spirit of volunteers and community groups, who dedicate their time to keeping these services running and available to the residents. Additionally, fundraising also uplifts the opportunity for these services to continue and for care and upkeep of the restorative home to be maintained.

Though some of the women on the Fundraising Team do not come from fundraising backgrounds, it does not deter them from working to reach out and call others to action to contribute to Catalyst’s efforts to combat human trafficking. They say it is important to not be anxious in the absence of formal fundraising experience. They rest in knowing that God comes through for them at exactly the right moments. It is important to trust that He will guide them in knowing how to proceed in their efforts.

With the Catalyst Challenge nearly here, I wanted to hear from the team about what we could look forward to regarding the month-long event! Kristi shared, “I always look forward to the encouragement that comes from the individuals that participate. Helping others in so many facets through these events is a blessing… [and] participation in the events helps heal people in ways you can’t even imagine. Together we can help those who have been impacted and help to make the world a safer place.”

It is thanks to volunteers like those in the Fundraising Team that Catalyst Ministries can endure and work tirelessly to diminish the worldwide human trafficking crisis. They work to educate themselves and others through events and outreach, and it is through them that God works to push our cause forward in our communities. I encourage anyone who feels called to action for this cause to reach out and connect with us. You can do so by filling out our Volunteer Form, which lists various components of service, such as your areas of interest and scheduling availability, that you can use to tailor your volunteer experience to what works best for your opportunity to serve with us. We look forward to you walking alongside us in our fight to end human trafficking.

- Deanna

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

— Proverbs 31:8-9