The Grace of Giving

This is love; not that we loved God, but that He loved us 

and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.

I John 4:10-11

The wooden step of the dilapidated mobile home creaked as I timidly made my way to the door of my former student. The numbers on this and the surrounding homes were not well marked and I hoped that this was the correct door. Jimmy’s familiar white blond hair and his brilliant smile lit up as he threw open the door and recognized his teacher whom he had not seen since the COVID lockdown. I thrust out the basketball I had been holding behind my back as a surprise. 

“Thanks!” Jimmy grabbed the basketball and flashed another smile as he abruptly closed the door.

The temperature was a sweltering 92 degrees, but the pines near Jimmy’s home shimmered silvery for a moment as I remembered a favorite quote, “Whenever you give, whenever you love, it’s Christmas.”

For us, Christmas comes only once a year, but I wonder if it is always Christmas in the kingdom of God. I imagine angels singing a continuous heavenly-version loop of the “Hallelujah Chorus,” every corner lit with the light of God’s glory, and at the center of it all, Jesus, the ultimate gift.

However, sometimes we earthly beings become enamored instead with all the glittering beauty of this world, and we forget not only the gift of Emmanuel, but we also forget the Giver, who longs for relationship with every one of us. God, the Father loves you and me - deeply, completely, perfectly -  and wants to pour the gift of His love into every one of us because He knows that His love changes everything.

If I resist God's love, it's difficult for me to give what I don't have. When I give to get, give out of pride to impress God or others, or give out of duty because I think I “should,” then I totally miss what the Holy Spirit says to me about how precious I am. If I instead become like a little child and receive first from my heavenly Daddy, I am enabled to give out of a right heart, motivated by love, humility, and gratitude.

God loved and gave to me first when I had nothing to offer Him. True giving recognizes the pricelessness of me, of the person I’m giving to, and of the Savior who gave all to rescue every one of His children. 

So let's receive the unmerited Gift of God’s grace so that we can share this gift from a full bucket. Join us in pouring into the lives of women served by Catalyst who have experienced or are experiencing the trauma of human trafficking.  How will you receive and give His grace at Catalyst this Christmas?

— Tonya

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9