The Path to Restoration for Survivors of Sex Trafficking 

Women and children who are trafficked often suffer negative psychological, social and physical effects – all requiring attentive and patient restoration. Often time, being rescued marks just the beginning of their journey to taking back their own lives.

The path of restoration and healing for a sex trafficking survivor can be a long one; requiring a multi-faceted operation of housing, transportation, health care, hospitality, therapy, and more. Fortunately, within our community - lives Catalyst Ministries. This article covers the 3 areas of healing provided by our program and the significant amount of work that goes into maintaining each of these spaces.   


study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) speaks to the level of needs that trafficking survivors have when they escape the world of trafficking, and just how unprepared and unaware that most people are to these needs.

From the aforementioned study, two of the biggest needs for survivors coming out of the sex trade are emergency and transitional needs. 

Emergency Needs

Emergency needs are considered top priority and includes safe housing, nourishment, health care, and clean/appropriate clothing. Other emergency needs may include interpreter and translation services to help survivors who do not speak the language to avoid feelings of isolation – one of the many methods used by traffickers to control their victims. 

Transitional Needs

Transitional needs will vary between short- and long-term concerns. These include transitional and permanent housing, foster care (for minors), legal assistance, mental health counseling, substance abuse, life skills, job training, child care, transportation, and more. 

Potential Barriers with Meeting Survivor’s Needs

After the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, HHS was designated as the agency responsible for helping victims of human trafficking become eligible for services, such as: housing, food/clothing, advocacy, legal assistance, medical/dental care, etc. However, the complicated nature of trafficking causes challenges to survivors seeking assistance, such as: waiting lists, associated fees, limited availability, etc. As one service provided noted within the HHS report:

“There just isn’t affordable housing in our community for anyone. We often end up placing groups of victims together in apartments or houses. Sometimes this works but sometimes the only areas where they can afford housing are high crime areas. We’ve actually had clients become the victims of other crimes (burglary) because they could only afford to live in unsafe neighborhoods.”

This is where Catalyst Ministries acts as an advocate for survivors by meeting the needs of trafficking survivors. 


At Catalyst Ministries, we believe every woman has intrinsic worth and beauty. We made the choice to open our eyes to the pain and struggles that trafficking victims face even in our own backyard. In 2013, a national survey reported that only 33 residential programs for survivors of sex trafficking existed across the entire United States. Only two existed in IL. That's why Catalyst Farms was established in 2016.

Meeting Survivor Needs

At Catalyst Ministries, survivors are provided with care for both emergency and transitional needs via the Catalyst Farms, a residential program with holistic services for survivors. Our program helps women who are survivors of trafficking begin the process of healing and restoration through Jesus Christ. 

Please read our previous blog post here: 5 Ways to End Sex Trafficking and How You Can Help

Immediate Transformation

Safe housing is provided in a beautifully remodeled farmhouse and the women are hosted by a live-in resident. Survivors are able to see their transformations begin, as they are surrounded by a clean, safe and beautiful environment and are able to pick out a brand-new wardrobe, offered by the Boutique at Catalyst Farms. 

Healing from the Inside-Out

To help survivors in their journeys of restoration, Catalyst provides trauma-informed therapists and regular counseling to residents. Support groups and mentoring provide an uplifting community that consistently offers Christ’s love and acceptance. 

Our belief at Catalyst Ministries is that women can experience Jesus, daily, as they interact with staff and volunteers who strive to be His hands and feet. Consistent opportunities are provided to attend church, participate in Bible studies, spiritual formation classes and more. 

Restoration and Longevity of Health

All aspects of restoration are tended to – slowly and intentionally. Proper sleep, nutrition, and medical care is provided, as the residents are seen by trusted physicians. Residents are also provided dental care, wellness education, job skills training, and other opportunities to help survivors thrive beyond our program. 


Catalyst Farms is a special opportunity for survivors with its holistic approach. All services are free-of-charge to the women and children who participate in the program. This generosity and life-changing opportunity is provided by our gracious donors and volunteers. It is truly a wonderful community who makes the difference in the lives of these brave women and children. We are so thankful for each of you! 

If you have a desire to be a part of the healing and restoration of these women, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation,which goes towards the efforts to reach more women and children. 

You also have the opportunity to bring hope and freedom through our Hope Catalog. One gift from your heart can change the life of a victim and survivor of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.

—Crystal and Erin

 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” 

– Proverbs 31:8 - 9