A New Year, A New Hope

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” Desmond Tutu 

There is no denying that 2020 was a year of unique challenges and changes in our lives, our nation, and our world. In the wake of an ongoing global pandemic, mass civil unrest, financial insecurity, and what seems like countless other hardships, the world is desperately crying out for a spark of hope. Yet, even amidst the darkness of 2020, there is still a light that shines through and carries a message of hope and progress.

Over these past 12 months we have witnessed an increase in awareness and education on the realities of human trafficking and how we can all join in the fight to end it. As the vulnerable in our world become increasingly susceptible, it is awareness and action that will lead to life-changing hope.

As the 10th most popular state for reports of human trafficking, Illinois has taken significant steps towards the identification and elimination of trafficking. In January, the state added to the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) to make it easier for victims of human trafficking to prosecute their perpetrators. Many victims will face staggering obstacles as they seek justice for the crimes committed against them. The TVPA ensures that victims will have the necessary help and assistance available to them in order to grab a hold of true legal justice.

Another cause for celebration came in the form of a generous grant to the Illinois State Police from the DOJ Office for Victims of Crimes. This grant will enable the state police, specifically in Central Illinois, to expand and strengthen their efforts to fight human trafficking. Funding from this grant will go towards professional training and public awareness, increased trauma-informed victim service programs, and a data collection and reporting system that will track victims and offenders within Illinois.

Not only is Illinois stepping up to end trafficking, but there has also been national attention and action to dismantle the evil that is human trafficking. President Trump announced an Executive Order on Combating Human Trafficking and Online Child Exploitation in the United States this year, which states:

“To this end, it shall be the policy of the executive branch to prioritize its resources to vigorously prosecute offenders, to assist victims, and to provide prevention education to combat human trafficking and online sexual exploitation of children.”

Among many things, the Executive Order establishes an official Domestic Policy Council employee whose sole focus is to work on issues related to combating human trafficking into, from, and within the United States. The establishment of such a position within the executive branch will act as a catalyst of hope and justice to victims of human trafficking across the entire nation.

When governments and communities come together to raise awareness, as we saw in 2020, it leads to restorative action that breaks the chains of injustice.

Though the darkness may seem overwhelming at times, there is a bright light that is breaking through to deliver hope to us all. In the fight for freedom, we must have the strength to persevere and embrace the hope that redemption and justice are not out of reach.

Read our previous blog post here: Hope's Story: Healing Through Creativity

As the new year rolls in and the world searches for light, be encouraged by these words from the book of Hebrews:

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful” - Hebrews 10:23

With the new year comes new hope for freedom and restoration; and here at Catalyst Ministries, we are holding unswervingly to the hope that we profess. There is progress being made in the fight against human trafficking. Within our communities and throughout our nation more and more people are answering the call to be catalysts for hope.

We would love for you to join us as we work to deliver hope to women here in Central Illinois. As you make your resolutions and look upon the year ahead, would you consider partnering with us to be catalysts for hope and freedom?

We invite you to be a beacon of light this year through volunteering or donating today!

Hope is our greatest weapon as we combat the darkness in the world. May you find strength and joy this new year as we cling to Jesus, the one true catalyst for hope. 

— Maria

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,

for the rights of all who are destitute.

Speak up and judge fairly;

defend the rights of the poor and needy.

Proverbs 31:8-9