January Update from Julie

Our theme at Catalyst Ministries this January is Fresh Start. We’re excited to pray into all that God is leading us in 2023. We know his plans are good and we lean in to listen to him and run hard after him! What an exciting journey of faith this is! 

As we plan for special events this month and this year, we ask that you’d pray for us. We want to see God’s dreams and plans established for Catalyst Ministries and for those who will walk through our doors to find new hope and freedom.. A Fresh Start! 

All this is possible only through the love of God and his son, Jesus Christ. He is the God of the “second chance” and nothing is too difficult for him. He takes a life and transforms it from one of hopelessness to hope and captivity to freedom. His love is available to all of us.  He came to give us a new life. A fresh start for sure, and to invite us into a relationship with him.  

As we just celebrated Christmas around the world, we’re reminded that Emmanuel means God with us. Though we focus on the gift of Jesus’ birth at Christmas, it’s really a gift for us every day. God came to us, through his son Jesus, lived on this earth and then died on the cross, to take our place and to die for our sins, not his own sin since he was without sin. What an amazing gift and grace that’s available to us now! 

I want to take a moment and express my sincere thanks to those who have walked and partnered with us through your giving and prayers. We’re so incredibly grateful, as we reflect on the gifts that came in the past 30 days. These financial gifts help open the door to a Fresh Start for new women in 2023. We can only imagine all that this will mean in the lives of the precious ones we work with each day!  

Here are some exciting miracles we’ve seen lately and are looking forward to:

  • A graduate of the Catalyst Program, will soon be reunited with her daughter, who she’s prayed to mother again. 

  • A resident, who soon will graduate, has the opportunity to share her powerful story in another state of how God has given her a new life. 

  • New volunteers are stepping in to help both in Illinois and Texas, as we all prepare for what’s ahead in the next 12 months.

  • A team from Illinois will board a plane for Dallas soon, and come to encourage, help train and pray with new team members who will welcome new residents to Catalyst Ranch in 2023.

Please be in prayer for these important milestones and for the work and provision still needed in both of our locations.

With Joy and Eager Anticipation! 

- Julie

P.S. Do you have extra Frequent Flyer miles or Hotel Points that you’d like to share with Catalyst Ministries? This would be so helpful to us!  Please email us at info@catalystministries.net if you’d like to donate these to help in our work.