July Update from Julie

“I will walk about in freedom,

    for I have sought out your precepts."

(Psalm 119:45 )


Our theme at Catalyst Ministries this month is FREEDOM. As our country celebrates Independence Day on July 4th, at Catalyst Ministries, we’re also taking time to celebrate the freedom that walking with Christ brings.  


The Bible says too that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” 

(Galatians 5:1)


We’re thrilled that we have the privilege to invite others into this same freedom, as we walk with precious survivors both at Catalyst Farms and Catalyst Ranch! 


Today, I’m excited to introduce Chris Kinzie to you, as she shares a little of what she’s grateful for in her work and experiences at Catalyst Ministries. Chris has been on staff at Catalyst since 2016 and serves as our Survivor Services Senior Case Worker. We’re so thankful for her valuable part of the Catalyst team! 


I want to take this time to share how God has blessed/touched me during this work. Since I was 12 I have known I wanted to work with people in changing lives. I ended up majoring in social work in college and directly going into foster care casework. For 20 years I worked within this system feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. In 2016 I was asked to join Catalyst as a social worker. Little did I know that God would bless me in so many ways by being a part of this ministry. God has shown me the resilience of people and how God can work in anyone's life if invited in. God has shown me that trusting in His plan, while it may not always be easy,  is so rewarding in the end. God has also allowed me to work with wonderful Godly Christian women who have become friends and mentors to me. I am so lucky to be a part of this team of individuals who serve and support through Christ's love to the least of these. (Chris Kinzie)


What a blessing to serve with this amazing team and also with YOU! 


- Julie




P.S. Please consider helping to meet one of the needs on our July Top 10List: 



1. Social Media Team Lead 


Catalyst Ranch: (Texas)


2. New Grill 


3. Start up costs ($10,000)


4. New Van 


5. Garden Team Lead


6. Drivers for Catalyst Ranch Residents


Catalyst Farms: (Illinois)


7. New Office Printer


8. Program Team volunteers


9. Drivers for Catalyst Farms Residents


10. Fundraiser and Events volunteers